Monday, April 26, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake!

It is crazy how much enjoyment I get out of planning my kids birthday parties. I just love it! Campbell will be 3 on Monday and we are having a Strawberry Shortcake themed party. Last year it was Cinderella... I know that she doesn't really even know what's going on but I can't help myself. Next to my wedding day, my children's birthday's are the happiest day of my life! For so many reason's. The day that Campbell came into this world, I fullfilled my purpose on this planet. To be a Mom! The day that Carson was born was proof to me that God grants women the desires of their heart. I wanted a son so badly and now, as I write this blog, he is laying in my lap... Now, it isn't always or ever easy, it isn't always fun and most of the time I'm tired and look like I've been run over by a truck at the end of every day, however, that aside... I love my life and place I am in. So, I will plan and party, invite friends and family, eat cake and be merry on those 2 special days. For those are the day's that give me purpose for the rest of the year!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Campbell's birthday is a couple of weeks and when I asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she said she wanted to wear a birthday hat and she wanted stuff that was pink... I really do have full blown princess on my hands! I'm loving every minute of it.

Carson still is the answer to all of my prayers. He is proof that the Lord's gives women the desires of their heart!

Empty Toy Boxes

So today I was sitting on the couch feeding my 2 month old his bottle and looking around at all the things I could be getting done if I were not sitting here feeding my 2 month old his bottle. It was exhausting... the look of the house I mean. I started noticeing the empty toy box in my daughter's room. There was also empty cupboards where the contents of 9 wal mart sacks full of groceries sitting on my counter belonged. The cabnets were empty because the dishwasher was full and the washer and dryer were empty because the stack of dirty clothes was still sitting in the basket. Hummm... Yes indeed. All the things I could get done if I didn't have to feed him or get her chocolate milk or give them baths or change their diapers... the longer I sat there staring at my house in total shambles, I realized something very important. Of all the things I could be getting done, I was doing the one thing I was put on this planet to do. Be my children's mother! Somehow, in that same moment, the empty toy box, the empty cabnets and cupboards, the silent washer and dryer became a blessing. All of those empty places in my house reminded me how full my life is. What a full life it is indeed!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Stealing away Moments

So my daughter is sick today. What a horrible day for her and for me. I think seeing your children sick is way worse on you than it is on them. Seeing you child helpless and knowing there is nothing you can do help them... so sad. I have to say that, once again, I am thankful for the Holy Spirit. This morning when she called my name to come get her out of bed, I had a feeling that the day would have us ending up in the doctor's office and sure enough it did. I am not sure how mother's mother without the Holy Spirit and it's guidance. So I sit here, with my computer on my lap, hence fulfilling the reasoning behind the name, laptop... with Dancing with the Stars playing on the TV, my daughter wrapped in a Tinkerbell blanket I bought her as a get well gift and my son finally asleep on my bed. A moment of peace in an otherwise unpeaceful day. I thank God for these moments. Though they are only moments before one of them wakes up and "hectic" starts all over again.... I feel strangely reguvinated. So, to all mothers out there who are stealing away moments of your own... may the Lord grant you with peace, wisdom and strength as you go about doing the most important job on earth... raising babies!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pork and Potatoes

A Pkg of Pork chops (2 butterflied chops, 4 individual chops)
1 Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Can of Chicken Broth
1 Pkg of Onion Soup Mix

Mix everything together exept the chops. Place chops in a cassrole dish the pour mixture over them. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes.

The amount of potatoes used in this dish is determined by the number of people you are trying to feel. The rule of thumb is one baking potatoe per person plus one. I will do this recipe for a family of 4.
4 Baking Potatoes
8 oz Sour Cream
3/4 Stick of Butter
1 Can Evaporated Milk
Dash of Garlic Salt
1/2 Cup of Cheese (Or more if you like your's chessy!)
1/2 tbs. of Parsley

Peel potatoes then quarter them. Put them a sauce pan and cover with water. Put about a tbs. of salt in the water. Boil until the potatoes are tender enough to stick a fork all the way through.

Drain the potatoes. Put them in a bowl or back in the sauce pan to save dishes. Add enough evaporated milk to make them creamy to your liking. Add the butter, salt, pepper, garlic salt, sour cream, cheese and parsley.

Place a generous helping of the potatoes on the plate. Put a pork chop on top of the potatoes. Cover in the sauce mixture the pork chop cooked in. You can sprinkle some parsley flakes around the plate to dress it up.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lynlee and Carson

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Parenting! How does one do it?

A young girl in our church is pregnant with her first baby and she asked me the other night what book I recommend. I told her to read a favorite novel. Because after she has this baby, she won't have time to do that and there is no book that is helpful in parenting your child. Questions like: Why is he crying? When should he eat next? How much do I give him? Why won't he sleep in his bed? Are my children developing at the right rate? How soon should they be able to say their ABC's? All of these are questions that no book can answer. Do you know what makes it even harder? There is no way to know if the decision you made is the right one until after it's over. There is no way to know if you've over fed him until you finish and he throws up all over you. There is no way to know if your decision to discipline was the right one until she is 16 and is either a joy of a teenager or a horrid mess. I can honestly say that being a parent is not for the faint of heart or weak minded. The only comfort one can find in all of this mess is knowing that the Holy Spirit knows when we don't. He sees when we are eyes are shut. He hears when our ears miss it. After all is said and done. We parents do the best we can. Children are still a miraclous gift from the Lord. Praise God for the Holy Spirit!
I must not write any more tonight. I have hair to brush, bed time stories to read, diapers to change and bottles to give.... what a blessed woman I am indeed!

Lynlee and Campbell

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Life without Facebook

I doubt seriously that anything that happens during my day is entertaining enough for anyone to read. However,I have decided to do a blog because I refuse to have a facebook. A first, the refusal to have a facebook was because I just didn't want to have one and didn't want to feel pressured to accept a friend I really didin't want to be friends with. Now, the refusal to get a facebook is just to see if I can survive another year in this computer age without one. So the question remains... will I cave under the pressure or will I make it one more year surviving without a facebook? Stay Tuned!

My Blogs (You Should Read Them)