Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sing the Song That Is In Your Range

     This weekend was the Minister's Conference at our church. About 170 minister's were there to receive encouragement and motivation. One of things that my Dad spoke about was doing what you were called to do and stop trying to do what someone else is called to do. He said the phrase, "Sing the song that is in your range." A phrase that I will be stealing from here on out... How brilliant is that? So many times, we look at other people, their life, their situation, their calling and we try to do just what they are doing when God has called us to do something else entirely. Now, if what someone is doing happens to be what God has called you to also, it will work out for you because even though someone else is already singing that song, you can sing it too, as long as it is in your range. Such brilliance!!!

     Tonight, that phrase was made new to me in a whole new way. I already told you about our weight watchers group in my last blog. However, it has grown... considerably! A few people read my last blog and asked to join, then a couple heard about from a friend at work and joined. Anyway, it has become a great place to encourage each other and give ideas of food and vent when we are starving! As these last couple of weeks have passed by, different ones are beginning to post their weight loss. I love this because it is so encouraging. I'm so glad that I have gotten to post! Tonight, however, a couple other women in the group have lost more than I have. Immediately, the enemy wanted to steal the joy of my own progress because it wasn't as good as someone else's... Then, I was reminded... Sing the Song that is in YOUR range... not someone else's! Every looses weight as a different speed because everyone's bodies are different. The activity level is different. They way food is processed is different... This is ok. We simply cannot go through life comparing our success and failures to someone else. Life will never seem worth living if we do. Someone will ALWAYS out do us! Or seemingly so...

     The only person I need to compare my self with is the version of me that God wants me to be. Did I do my best? Could I give more? Could I do more? What can I change to make things better? And there it is... Doing what I can to stay within my range. I am not going to live my life trying to sing someone else's song. I'm going to sing my song, in my range and do it to the very best of my ability. Progress should not be measured by asking the question, "Am I different than I was a week ago?" NO! True success, success that lasts should be measured by asking the question, "Am I different than I was a year ago? Two years ago?" That is progress. That is forward motion. That is success that lasts... Ultimately... That is a beautiful song being sung in my range!

     Here's to... us... singing our song, in our range!

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