Sunday, June 23, 2013

Let's Back Up

     Well, as usual, my blog suffers during the summer months. Maybe I should make it a weekend task. Anyway, we have had 2 amazing weeks of camp. There are no words to describe how much I love my job. Working with the staff, spending time with the campers, seeing them come to know the saving power of Jesus... it's just too amazing! I have a few pictures from the past 2 weeks I would like to show you. It is very difficult to explain what we do at camp to people who have never  been here before. I have found, the best way to share what is happening is in pictures. Although, when I look at these pictures, I hear the voices of a couple hundred children, the laughter of a staff, the hush of the crowd in suspense... well, you get the point. So, here we go...

This is a picture from Staff Training. The night we work on crucifixion is one of the most powerful night of staff training. Jesus showed up that night and I felt something amazing happening on that hill. It has been that way ever since. There really are no words to explain the power that shows up on Thursday nights. I am so moved every single time. I never get tired of seeing what Jesus did. Neither do the kids.

This is a picture of the kids getting off the wagons and heading to crucifixion hill. I saw this moment last week and I was so touched by what I knew what about to happen in their lives. They walk off this hill so much differently than they walk on. Some of these kids in this picture were not headed to Heaven at the time it was taken and after they left that hill, they had made a choice to serve the Lord forever. What an amazing experience to be apart of!
This is a picture of a couple of our JC's and an All Summer Staff member entertaining the kids at Hoe Down when the IPOD with the music was somehow out of charge. These 2 JC's were helping with sound and when I was told the news that the IPOD was out of charge, they could see the displeasure on my face and asked if they could play. I had no idea if they even knew what to do but for some reason, the words, "Sure" came out of my mouth. Before I knew what was happening, we had music... and it was good! Then, an all summer staff member came up and asked if he could join them by singing. What did I have to lose? Again, "Sure" came flooding out. Before the next 5 seconds were up, we were all being serenaded by one of the best impromptu bands I had ever heard. I had to pause to get my camera! I love people who are willing to do whatever they need to do to make any situation a success. That is what these boys did that night and truth be told, that is what every member of the Brookhill staff does on a daily basis.  

Realizing I'm dissecting this week backwards, this is a picture of me on my way to Hoe Down. Once again, it hit me! I get paid for this! I can't imagine doing anything else with my life. Being with these campers, dressing up every week, getting to know the staff... seriously? It is only my prayer that you are fortunate enough to do something that makes you fulfilled. Ok. maybe you aren't called to wear overalls and a straw hat every Thursday, but whatever you are called to do, I pray it excites you the way this life excites me!
This is something that I have yet to get tired of seeing. Every Sat morning, the devos leaders do a skit called Circumference of the World. It has been the same concept for about 25 years. Every year the.  new devos leaders put their own spin on it. This year is a chart topper for sure! Jesse, the girl leader, came up wearing an Amish dress she bought off EBay. When she was asked what she was wearing, she replied, "My night gown." It was so hysterical I couldn't finish my part of the skit. The campers and staff were laughing so hard. I love being around creative people. They have an energy about them that just rubs off on other people. Their ability to come up with something new out of something that is over 20 years old is inspiring. I appreciate this kind of talent for sure!
On Tuesday night of this past week, we had a really spontaneous rain. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and yet, the rain just kept coming. It was fantastic! During the last part of the rain, a double rainbow appeared! What was more amazing.... the rainbow started and ended on the ranch. I have never seen the beginning or ending of a rainbow before. The kids thought it was the coolest thing they had ever seen, as did I. So, 2 of our counselors who play Butch and Susie, our fishing people, decided to jump in the picture that documented this amazing moment.  
I don't have to be in to work first thing on Tuesday mornings so, I took my kids to breakfast. It was so sweet. I love the moments I get to spend with my babies. Summer can be rough if I don't balance my time well. It is something I am forever aware of. I just love their sweet faces!
Speaking of which, Campbell has started leading council ring with me. It is precious. She does exactly what I do, about 3 seconds behind me. It is my prayer that she loves what our family does as much as I do. Being up on the stage, leading the camp in crazy songs is a perfect place for her to learn that love. I have pictures of me and my sister standing beside my dad while he lead council ring. Not many people can say that!
This past Sat, Melisa and I took the girls staff for dinner at Olive Garden, shopping at a 1$ Jewelry Store (Where we all bought matching necklaces for carnival night) then on to coffee and gelato and a very girly coffee shop. It was a great night. I love spending time with these girls but the best part of the night, for all of us, was the fact that we got to dress up! 
I told the girls to wear whatever they felt prettiest in! During camp, we all look so dreadful. I am covered in sweat! What's worse? I sweat from the top of my head so I always look like I've just stepped out of the shower while smelling like I need a shower! True story and so frustrating. I have often thought about carrying a life sized picture of myself not at camp just to prove that I do, in fact, look like a woman the rest of the year!
This weekend, we ended it up with family time at Magic Springs, We played in the water, paid 75$ for a hamburger and spent uninterrupted time with our children. It was a great way to end the weekend and begin a new camp session. It's not easy finding the energy to give to my kids when camp is over but I have to at least try. I don't want my own children to get left overs. My family has to know they are priority.
All in All, it was a very spectacular week. This is just a few moments from last week. I hope you feel enlightened and more importantly, inspired to pray. Soft hearts and lasting decisions is the goal.
What is yours?

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