Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Day Worth Blogging About

Here is Goes:
So this morning my husband left at 10:30 for a football game and I was left with the kids all day and all night. The game didn't start until 6:00 pm. So I was trying to think of what I could do with the kids that would help pass the day. The only thing that Campbell has asked to do was bake cupcakes. I told her that we would but after I decided that I would put up my fall tree. It's a little early but my mom and sister and one of my best friends already has theirs up so I fell to peer preasure. I went to the shed, climbed up the ladder and pushed a huge Christmas tree to the side and pulled down the box with the fall tree decorations in it. I drug the tree and the box into the house.
The tree usually goes in the corner of the house beside our dining room table but since last fall, we aquired a new table and it is substantially bigger than our previous one. Because of that, the tree wouldn't fit in it's normal spot. So I had to move it. I decided to move out one of our end tables and put the tree in that spot.

 Because of that decision, I had to find another place for the lamp to go that was on that end table. Where, there wasn't another place. So that was the first problem. The second problem was that after I pulled the lights out of the box and plugged them in to put them on the tree. The didn't work... of course... So then I made the decision to go the Hobby Lobby to purchase more.
Carson woke up at 11:45 and he had to eat at 1:00. That was time enough to throw them in the car and go get lights and get back home. By the time I got both kids changed and loaded in the car it was a little after 12:00. I started driving down the road and realized that I had forgotten my wallet. So I had to turn around and go home and get it. By that time, I knew that I wouldn't make it back for Carson's 1:00 lunch. I ran into the house, packed his lunch, got Campbell a drink and grabbed my wallet.
We loaded in the car and headed back to town. By the time we got to town, it was 1:00 and Campbell was hungry so went went straight to McAlisters. Fed myself and both my kids and we back to original mission... to retrieve orange lights from Hobby Lobby.
Once in Hobby Lobby, we found the orange lights and several other fall decorations that I was not in need of the went I started the mission but found them of the utomost neccessity at the time. I decided to do a center piece for the table with them.

During the time at Hobby Lobby, I had to go the bathroom. Well, there was no place to put Carson so I had to set him on the floor of the handicap stall. I know I know... But there was NO option. On the way out of the bathroom and to the check out stand with a buggy full of fall foliage... I passed the discounted furniture isle. I was in need of smaller end table for the displaced lamp. I found one that was perfect and on sale. So as I picked it up to put it in the buggy the glass top fell out of it and on my face. It hit my cheek bone so hard that there is a good possiblity I will end up with a black eye...

After I recovered from the blow, I went to the check out line and let Campbell pick out a wooded horse to color when we got home. I paid for it she loved it until she saw the bubbles. Then, I became the parent of one of those children who people stare at in the store... I did get it under control but not without me sweating and trying to teach a 3 yr old a lesson in thankfullness.
So, 3 hours later, after a short trip to retrieve orange lights, I am on the my way home with fall foilage, a table (with a removable plate of glass), both kids (fed and thankful) and yes... orange lights...

We did make the cupcakes...


  1. what a day! i LOVE your fall tree!

  2. Your day reminds me of a Bill Cosby skit about going to a room to retrieve something and the distractions that occured. When he returned he had completely forgotten what he went for! However, you held it all together and I'm EXHAUSTED from just reading about it! The tree and arrangement are beautiful and Campbell got her cupcakes! Mission Accomplished! (I hope you don't have a black eye!)


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