Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spinach and Woodpeckers...

This past week I have had a rejuvination of vision for my children and their general overall well being. Campbell never has been a great eater of anything good for her. Her food of choice is ALWAYS pizza. Well, I believe that her lack of nutrition has been affecting her health.
So, I decided that, as her mother, I would NOT allow for her health to deteriorate one more moment without giving it my very best effort. Honestly, I haven't been... giving it any effort. I haven't made her eat her veggies... I sometimes don't even put them on her plate because I know that it would be a waste. So. I made a change... in me and allowed Campbell to be the beneficiary of this change.
My sister gave me a cookbook called Deceptively Delicious. It's all about hiding veggies in your children's food. I have done ALL sorts of things this week. Spinach in eggs, Broccoli in chicken strips, Carrots in meatloaf, Beets in pancakes... YES! I have been giving myself to my daughter's health and am already seeing the benefits of this endevour.

Yesterday, is was a beautiful day outside and I decided to do something a little differently.
We made sandwiches, littered with spinach leaves!
Fruit and baked chips and we went outside and had a picnic

As everything with kids this age... it was difficult and I was sweating by the time I got all of us out there and seated.
But my kids enjoyed every minute of this experience!

Campbell kept calling for a woodpecker in the tree above us and Carson... well... was Carson!
They had a great time as did I. I find that my very best days as a stay at home mom and when I am giving myself to being just that! A stay at home mom!
It ended with this:
This was another revalation and day worth remembering forever!
I pray you find joy in... well... looking for woodpeckers and eating spinach...

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! They are such are so right-I just avoid veggies, too, to avoid the fight! I'm so impressed she ate spinach! You are a wonderful mama. :)


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