Sunday, May 13, 2018

What if I Believed It

So today is Mother's Day and in honor of Mothers Day, my sister and I have seen 2 movies this weekend! One late last night and one this afternoon after the Mother's Day celebrations. The one last a night is the one that has sparked this entry.

It was called, I Feel Pretty. It was a movie all about what we could accomplish if we felt like we were beautiful. Whatever our version of beautiful is. Skinny, smaller nose, better hair, smoother skin... whatever it was. So here my thoughts are now consumed with this thought. In the movie, the girl was shy and felt undeserving then she hit her head and began to see herself differently. She felt whatever her definition of beauty was. It was only then that she applied for that job she really wanted, gave her number to a guy she liked, joined the contests, made the friends... she became the best version of herself because she thought she could do anything all because she thought her looks had changed.

Why! Why is this so accurate? Why do our looks and how we feel about ourselves, as women, keep us from being the best version of ourselves? I started thinking about this in my own life and I am ashamed to admit, that I found myself wondering that same thing. I have a group of friends that I adore. We go to to lunch together. We go on vacation together. We have coffee. We talk about life, motherhood, careers, marriage, etc... They are an exceptional group of women. However, every single one of them is blonde and skinny! And very fashionable. In fact, one of them won a beauty pageant recently! In case you are unfamiliar with me... I am short, puggy and have dark hair that is graying at the roots. My nose is crooked on my face and is a tad bigger than I would like it to be. When we take a picture, I am the odd man out for sure! Now, I do think I am pretty but in my own way. I do not always feel as though I belong with that group of simple perfection. Before I go any farther, please understand that I love my friends and they do not feel like I don't belong with them at all! In fact, they would probably be mortified if they knew the thoughts in my head about this issue but the point I am trying to make is simple: what could I actually bring to the group if I felt like I belonged? What would my personality really be if I felt like I deserved to be their friend? Again, this has nothing to do with how they treat me but everything to do with how I see myself. What would happen if I saw myself differently? What would happen in my life if I walked into a room and thought every person there was thinking about how beautiful I was? What kind of impact would my life have if I walked in true, unashamed, uncompromising, unapologetic confidence?

Isn't this an interesting thought?  I think so many times, that we, as women, think we have a handle on our insecurity when actually, it is what is determining our marriage, our career, our advancement, our impact, our parenting! If we thought that our husbands looked at us and thought we were the most beautiful woman in the whole world, what would our marriage be? In case you are wondering, most of our husbands already do! We just don't believe it! Therein lies the problem.
What we believe about ourself is that everyone other woman is prettier that we are, looks better in a bathing suit, wears that dress better, has perfect hair or less wrinkles.  What we BELIEVE about ourself is that we are undeserving. Underserving of that promotion or that handsome man or that nice home.

What if, just what if, we changed what we believed about ourself? What if, we actually thought we deserved that promotion? How good would we be at our job if we believed that they were lucky to have us instead of believing that we had to prove ourselves every single day! We would start playing offense instead of defense! We would be on the offense side of our marriage instead of the defensive. We would be on the offiensive side of parenting instead of worrying that someone else could do it better. We would be on the offiensive side of our careers! Promoting, creating, inventing, growing!!! We would be on the offensive side of our friendships! Being funny, accepting lunch invites, answering those texts... Only on offense can you score goals!

Here is my challenge to you: believe that you are as amazing as you wish you were and you just might wake up and realize that you are already that amazing!

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