Wednesday, June 27, 2012

If you never start, then you will never finish

     So, I love blogging so much. Something about getting my thoughts out on paper...well...the screen that is rewarding. However, we are in camp. That, in and of itself, is enough said. Camp is all consuming. I feel like there are moments when i have a difficult time balancing everything I am supposed to be and do during these busy, but wonderful summer months. To the staff, I am a mom/friend/boss and confidante. To my husband, I am a wife. To the campers, I am a role model/mom and friend. To my children, I am a mom. To myself, I am a vegan. No matter how busy I have become these past few weeks, I have maintained course in my quest for health. This has been somewhat of a challenge seeing how camp food, while delicious, is not necessarily considered Vegan. Chicken frisbee sandwiches, french fries, grilled chicken breasts, sausage gravy, strips, mashed potatoes, cheese and pepperoni get the point.

     No matter what has been on the menu, I have stayed true to my resolve. This has paid off, I am happy to say. Yes! My overall goal is still next January which has kept me on track through the months however, I have crossed several milestones that have made me extremely happy. 2 weeks ago, I reached a weight loss of my biggest milestone to date...20lbs! I almost started crying! With the accomplishment of that goal brought with it, on its heals, a new goal. 22 lbs. I would go into why these milestones have such significance in my life but somethings are just for me. Anyway, To reach milestone number 2, I needed to loose 2 more lbs. Well, at 4:45 this morning, I am happy to say, I reached it!!!! 22 lbs!!! I feel so good for so many reasons. I am loving how I feel, the confidence that I am walking in, the way my clothes are fitting, or not fitting, the way I look in pictures! The most thing I am enjoying is the fact that I am well on my way to my life of health.

     The most difficult part of any quest for health is starting it and staying on it. I have wanted to get healthy and lose weight for so many years that Im unsure when it actually began. I never liked being on the front end of needing to do something about my lifestyle. When one needs to start a lifestyle change, the motivation is low because the journey is so long.

     I can tell you with much enthusiasm, it is worth it. The journey is tough, but being in the middle of it and still not needing to start is amazing. Whatever changes you are needing to make in your life just go ahead and jump in. With your finances, with your marriage, with your parenting, with your home, with your wardrobe, with your relationship with the Lord, whatever it is that you have been needing to start, just go ahead. Start.... You can do it. If I can change habits, lifestyles and thought processes then you can too!

                                                   If you never start then you will never finish.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blog, Lynlee. I admire your openness here. What a great word today and you are so right - no matter where you are, just START! I started my own "get healthy" journey a little over 2 months ago. I'm down 15 pounds and 19 inches (on the parts I measured). NINETEEN INCHES! You are looking great - and feeling great, I bet. Still miss you on praise band. BTW, your babies are adorable~ Love you, friend!


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