Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hello, Again!

So today, I became insipired to write on my blog again. After I went through the login, forgot my password and password reset, I finally got to the dashboard! I have to say, it was a welcome site. I forgot how theraputic blogging can be.
I would love to say how much things have changed for me since March, which  is the date of my last post, but I cannot. Things at the McMillan household are pretty much exactly the same!

As I sit on my deck typing, I look up from the screen to watch my children jumping on the trampoline that Campbell got for her birthday, just then, my grandmother pulls on the ranch and my kids run to to say hello, the leaves on the trees that surround our part of the the world are changing colors and the gray clouds rolling in overhead seem to promise a nice fall rain... There are days that seem more difficult than others but today is just not one of them!
As we near the Thanksgiving season, I am thankful!

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet, lovely little blog post! glad to read it, friend :)


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