Thursday, September 30, 2010

The story is the same but the names have been changed...

     One of my favorite nights of the year is the night when we get to build our first fire in our fire place. Although we haven't quite made it to that point yet, the temperature outside suggests that we aren't that far away. The fire place in our home is the biggest part of the living room. My dad was the one who laid the rock work around the fire place by hand and welded the iron work for the fire place in the barn across the street. My parents started their life in this same living room around this same fireplace. I was raised singing on the rounded "stage" of the rock work on the living room floor that attaches to the fireplace. (I can't tell you how many concerts I packed out from the stage!) My sister and her husband began their life around the same fireplace and now my husband and I are doing the same. How many people can say that?

     We live in a world of change. People change jobs like they change socks... they change spouses like they alternate credit cards. There is no sense of home... it's just a place to stay for a while. I feel fortunate today that I am living this life. A life where my children are packing out the same concert staduim I did a child and my husband and I are drinking coffee around the same harth that my parents drank their coffee around.

     People may look at us and see a life of no adventure... no breaking the living outside the bubble. I can tell you this much: I feel blessed to be living this life. I love that the seasons change so I  don't have to. I love that from my back porch I have a veiw that people pay millions for now. I love that my kitchen is same one that so many people have enjoyed for 80+ years. The story of my life a great one though it's been told before. So sure... the story is the same though the names have been changed... and what a great story it is!

     I pray that whatever story your life is writing now... that it is one worth reading about later

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