Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lessons from my daugher....

So yesterday after Campbell woke up from her nap... she was running a fever! Yes that is how the evening started... Let me back up a tad:
All day long she had been playing at a friend of ours barn. She was in the greatest mood of her life. Nothing wrong. Zero symptoms...
When she woke up she wasn't acting right. She had been bitten by a bug the day before and it was swelling on her arm. She is prone to blood infection called Cellulitis. So, I put her in the car and took her to the walk in clinic. They checked her out and couldn't find anything other than that she was running a fever. So they did blood work and took her temp again. It had risen a degree in about 20 minutes and they sent us to the ER. So, we checked in there and sat in the room for 2 1/2 hours before a nurse practitioner ever came in. She came in and checked her out and again, found nothing except a fever. So she ordered more blood work. It came back with same findings... after 6 1/2 hours of being at a medical facility of some kind or another with a sick 3 year old... never having seen a doctor... they sent us home with a general antibiotic and co pay of $200.00 and no diagnosis... That's where we are still....fever... a sick baby girl... no diagnosis....

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