Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ahhh Mother's Day

So I'm pretty sure that I have the best husband in the world! This picture doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying about him, it's just a cute one!
Anyway, for mother's day, he bought me a night at the Embassy Suites Hotel and a message in their spa. And to make it even better, if that's possible, he talked my brother in law into doing the same this for my sister. It was so much fun! With Carson being almost 3 months, it's been a while since I've had a good night's rest.
Then I got to thinking about it... maybe it is true, nothing says "Happy Mother's Day" like a whole night away from your kids!
Happy Mother's Day to all.

1 comment:

  1. happy mother's day, lyn. you are such a wonderful mother - not only to campbell and sweet baby carson, but to all the staff that come through the ranch every summer. you have taught me so much over these years, from proverbs 31 to wearing eyeliner daily ;) although you are only a few years older than me, i do look up to you in a big way and i am so grateful for your wisdom and love.
    so glad to hear mike and dave did good for y'all on mother's day - you deserve it!!! (pass that on to melisa too!) miss ya!


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