Sunday, September 19, 2010

Precious Moments

We had a spectacular weekend celebrating Mike's birthday. It was a huge success as always. He got alot of stuff for the camper. We just bought a camper this summer and it has become our new family hobby. So much fun!
He got a whole lot of stuff that we didn't even know we needed... which is always the funnest!
He wanted a red velvet cake so that's what I made him. It was beautiful and delicious.
Then we went to church on Sunday and we had a great service. We are in the process of building our new church building so our whole church went out to the slab and took a tour of the future location.
It was a amazing however my son was a little hot and I forgot his hat and so we sat in daddy's truck and listened in on the festvities and of course, I took the oportunity to make it a great photo opp!
These are the best kisses and the most precious moments of my life. I am grateful for so many of them.  I pray that your life is filled with many great moments!

1 comment:

  1. so much fun! adorable pictures of you and carson-and how exciting that you're building a new church building! where is it??


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