Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Ultimate Frustration

     O the mixed feelings I am having today! It is no secret that I have been working on my health and have now taken on the weight issue. This is where frustration begins and continues. I have had tremendous results in the health dept! And, I am happy... no ecstatic, to announce that I am officially 10 days away from being Vegan for ONE YEAR!!!! This is, without a doubt, the longest I have ever stuck with something related to health and wellness. I have been on fad diet after fad diet and they last about a week, sometimes 2 and if it's working at all, maybe 3 but a year! I am so proud of myself the discipline I have had and the results I have gotten... however, that is for another blog. (Check back in 10 days for that one).
     This blog is about the frustration that seems to be tied to me and weight loss. About 5 weeks ago now, I began counting calories. I discovered that the things that were good for me had far less calories than the foods that weren't, so, as a result, I have been eating crazy healthy! Spinach every single day, salads, vegetables, quinoa (which is un believably healthy and delicious I might add). These foods also fill me up much better than junk and I am able to go from breakfast to lunch without wanting to eat the kitchen table because I'm so hungry! (Don't judge, you know the feeling!). Anyway, I have also uped my exercise routine. Once again... I have added a mile to the already one mile I have been walking. On the mornings that it is too cold to do my walk/jog, I do Pilates... which leaves me wanting to pour Epsom salt directly on my body!. In fact, yesterday, I'm pretty sure I almost killed myself jogging. I decided to go a further distance with the jog than I had been. Well, I think I over did it! By the time I got to my door step, I was in so much pain in my lung region that I was in tears! I couldn't take a deep breath, I was coughing up what I think may have been parts of my lungs! It was a beautiful site! I was sweaty and begging God to keep me from falling right on the ground on my front porch. What a testimony to my fitness level! Love it! Anyway, back to the point...
      I have been trying... harder that I have been in the past year, to get some weight off. Which,  incidentally, is what my Dr told me to do. Last January, as I sat in his office going over the blood test results, he grabbed my leg right above my knee and squeezed the fat and kept repeating, "You just have to get some of this weight off." Awesome! Well, I got my health under control but I have not done the first thing he told me to do... I have been trying... but for some reason, my body refuses to drop the pounds. I have NO idea why!

       Some people get off sugar and loose 20 lbs. Others just start working out and loose 60 lbs (Like my hair dresser). Then there are some that simply cut out cokes and have boundless energy and are down 35 lbs... When I do ALL of these things, I hold steady... in fact, over the past 5 weeks, I have lost 7 lbs, then gained them ALL back... so I am right back to where I started. Actually, I'm worse off. I lost more from Jan to March last year the gained 10 lbs back and there I have remained...

     Why? This is the question that has plagued me... I have had my thyroid checked and it is fine. Which is GREAT! I don't want there to be something wrong. I want to do this on my own, with my own hard work. I want to make the changes and get healthy and the weight results I should be getting. It is scientific that when you eat less calories than you spend, you will loose... I'm doing that! By quite a bit, actually. So, what is the deal? I have scheduled an appointment with my Dr tomorrows to ask him this exact question! You know what I will be he is going to tell me? To keep going. Which regardless of what he says, is my plan. I am not stopping. I am doing this for the health benefits for the rest of my life. I will be healthy until the day I meet Jesus. I won't let my poor eating habits be my downfall. I won't be that person. I won't be going to Dr when I am 80 wanting them to fix the damage that I did to my self. That won't be me. So, I am not quitting. It would just be nice to have an explanation as to why the rest of the world can stop looking at sugar and loose a million lbs... Hopefully, he will have some insight that I do not.

    Until that day comes for me... I pray that through your every single frustration, you keep going.
 I will...

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