Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hot Dogs and Tea Parties

     Well, it's been a while since I've blogged and I feel bad about that. The thing is, not much has happened... I am glad to report. Campbell's school was hit with sickness and she made it through, Praise God. Carson didn't go to school and somehow ended up with Bronchitis... don't ask me about that one. Mike's been gone with his parents in Houston. They have both had surgery. Bill had a bypass and Linda had her gallbladder taken out. He has been gone for the last 2 weeks. It's been strange. I am so used to him being here that when he isn't, it throws me all off. It's amazing how much help is actually is with the kids. Even when I don't think he pitches in at all... when he is gone, I notice how much he actually does help! Isn't this typical?

     He is back now and to celebrate, we had family night tonight. We moved the furniture out of the middle of the living room, put a blanket down, cooked hot dogs in the fire place and watched Madagascar 3. It was a good night with our kids. I know we are making memories that they will remember. Even if they don't, I know I will.

     Along those same lines: CC had her first tea party and sleep over with our kids church. She got all dressed up and we went to the tea party. Moms were invited to dinner... it was precious. She loved it and looked so beautiful.
It is true that some girls are just born to be princesses... well, that is my daughter for sure!!!
      My grandmother came to the tea party and Campbell and Olivia wore her pearls. It was so special to have her there. Another thing that I should note here is that Campbell does not like hot tea! This we learned at the tea party. I consider this to be tragic because I love hot tea. I have a cup every morning... She ended up drinking pink lemonade out of her tea cup. Which, made it all the more sweeter!
    I love making memories with my kids. I realize that long after they have left our home and are making memories with their own children, the memories I have made with them will become even more priceless than they are now.
     Even though life is busy, it costs money and it takes time, pause your life to make some memories of your own!

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