It was February when I went to the doctor to get blood work done. I needed a baseline. I needed to see where I was in my health. Up until that point, I never considered myself to be unhealthy however, when the blood work came back, it told a very different story:
My cholesterol was through the roof at 367
I was pre- diabetic with a number of 5.7
And I had a ton of fat in my liver (which is very dangerous) The fat in your liver is measured in 2 different numbers, both of which need to be at or below 40 for you to be considered to have a healthy liver. My numbers were at 76 and 42.
4 1/2 months later, I went back for my bloodwork. I put it off for weeks because, honestly, I was afraid of the results. I wanted it work. I NEEDED it to work. I didn't want my efforts and complete lifestyle change to be in vein. Most health things I have tried, I have done half heartedly and reaped half hearted results. Not this time! I was all in and I wanted to see the fruits of my labor pay off! And also, if we are just being honest here... I wanted to be validated. Validated in my thinking and in my actions. Validated with my friends and family who have watched me take on this journey. Validated to the people who didn't understand... I just flat out wanted validation...
So, I sat in the chair as the nurse drew my blood... I'm almost positive she hit a nerve with that needle! Then came the real torture... waiting through the weekend to get the results. Monday morning came and so did my phone call to the doctor's office.
My cholesterol had come down almost 100 points!
I am no longer pre diabetic with a normal number of 5.2
The fat counts in my liver went down from 76 to ... wait for it... 16!
The second number went from a 42 to a 20
My blood sugar was holding steady at 87.
The last time I stepped on the scale I was holding steady at a 20 lb weight loss which I'm not upset about at all! I have not checked my measurements but my clothes sizes have taken a huge hit! I am still persuing weight loss to continue by journey to health.
I am thrilled! I still need my cholesterol to come down below 200 and I feel like I can accomplish that given a few more months. The doctor told me that my genetics have alot to do with my cholesterol counts (Thanks Mom and Dad... and All of my grandparents) but honestly, I don't buy into that just yet. I believe that I can overcome this. So, I have uped my vitamin intake and my fiber intake. I will keep you posted on that progress!
With my new, healthy numbers in tow, I have been more than encouraged! I have also started reading a new book, which EVERYONE needs to get. It's called The Lean by Kathy Freston. I am becoming even more educated in healthy choices and have gotten a much needed boost in the creative cooking department.
Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Thanks to all my readers who read my blog so faithfully. I am encouraged everytime I see another reader has read my writings. I pray you are as encouraged as I am.
One last encouragement: Whatever the change is that you have been needing to make in your life, just go on and make it. There is never a perfect time to leap. You won't ever be "ready". Just go on and do it! Whatever bad habits are making you unhealthy, just let them go. Easier said than done? Sure! But lots of things are easier said than done...that doesn't mean you don't ever do them because they aren't easy... We can encourage each other in our journeys!
Life is a journey and I am going to be here to enjoy mine!
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