Friday, June 29, 2012

Updates in Pictures

     Well here ya go blog readers! Proof is in the pudding... Ok bad word usage for a Vegan! How about the Proof is in the Broccoli! There we go! I know my blog has been all consumed with my quest for health lately however, I like to blog about what I'm doing and that is what I'm doing. Well that and raising 2 kids, running summer camp with 300 kids and a staff of about 40ish, teaching college classes at our internship, maintaining a household, you know... that sort of thing. So I know that my life is full and that I have lots to discuss but sometimes it's just nice to be encouraged.
     So for those who have been wondering what 22lbs weight loss looks like, this is it. I would not by any stretch of the imagination say that it's the Before and After however, I will say it is the Before and Middle.

     I had breakfast yesterday morning with my children and the loves of my life. Summer is a tough time for them because Mike and I both work outside the home and they are not used to not haveing Mommy around. I have to say, it gets kinda difficult for me too. I miss being with them everyday. However, they are loving camp. Campbell is working at the Nature activity and doing a great job. She rides the wagon down to the barn with the campers, spends the whole activity there and rides it back. All by herself. Carson, gets to go to work with Mike some. Not alot just yet but he asks to ride the tractor EVERY time we pass by it. They both like being with me on stage and talking in the mic! Big shocker!

     So this pic was taken before camp started because NONE of us has time for these kids of hobbies however, this is the biggest fish he has caught and I was so proud of him that I agreed to have it mounted. So in a few short months, this will join the plethora of dead animals that grace my walls. And you know what, I don't mind. Mike has been working so hard at camp. Maintaining everything that goes on around here is a more than full time job. Just this morning, he has welded the red wagon back together, fixed a tire on the water rides wagon and is currrently hooking a gigantic pipe to pump water from small lake into Fun Swim. It's hard to find time to spend together during these summer months but we make it work for our family. This is who we are and we are blessed because of it.

     So, as you can see, we are all doing well. From the weight loss to breakfast to big fish, we are enjoying our lives. What is not to enjoy? We have a great family, we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, we have a great group of campers every week that we get to minister too and we have an exceptional staff who has, once again, become grafted into our lives. As I finish this blog, and this huge bowl of hummus, it is my prayer that you find your life as blessed as I am finding mine.

Happy Summer Everyone!  


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