Thursday, March 3, 2011

Live Free

For most of my life, I have suffered from an ear disease. Throughout the course of my life, it has caused me severe pain, loss of sleep, fear of the future and turmoil in the present. I know that I am healed, I know that God is all powerful and still, for some reason, I have been allowing the devil rule in my life in the area.
Today is the day of change! I choose to be free!
I will walk in the healing I know is mine. I will act, sleep, think and live as the healed of the Lord. I give God the Glory for the miracle He has performed. I speak to eustatian tubes and command them to begin to work.
I have lost sleep enough. I have taken enough pain medicine. I have been through enough surgeries. This is it.
I know that God is in control and today I choose to live my life like I know it!

If you are facing a challenge of the body, mind or spirit, join me won't you? As we live free!

1 comment:

  1. As a man speaketh, so is he - The power of life and death is in the tongue - I set before you Life and Death - choose Life! You have what you speak! Amen Lynlee! By His stripes you ARE healed! You have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!


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