Today, I feel as though I have finally turned a corner with my son.... a much needed corner! It was just last night that I was in tears on the phone with my friend relaying to her how much I am so over the "Baby Stage". My son has been a gift from the Lord and I still remain that he is the answer to all of my prayers.... that said... I am so over it! No sleep, crying for no reason, crying because there is a reason, baby food, bottles, etc... the whole nine yards...
I have learned, in this raising of my children, that I am not a fan of the baby stage. Some women LOVE it! Some women like 5 months, 18 months, 3 years, 10 years, college... you get the picture. Every mom has their favorite stage and one stage they find more difficult to handle. The baby stage is that for me. Difficult to handle. I believe it is because I suffer from a huge lack of patience, which, is a fruit of the Spirit and although I know this, I still don't opperate in it like I should!
But, after 5 hours of fussiness, cyring and me not being able to figure it out, I put him to bed at 7:50pm... Little did I know...the corner was being rounded...
We both slept ALL NIGHT LONG! Didn't open my eyes until 6:30! Miracle from the Most High!
He had his normal bottle the breakfast and for lunch? you might ask...
A hot dog! Yep that's right... no baby food... a hot dog... the whole thing! with a sippy cup of tea!
Then a nap! Woke up and played on the front porch all by himself while I baked a cake!
Ahhhhhhh the corner has been turned! It's like the Lord heard my cry last night. Like He knew I was nearing the end of my rapidly fraying rope! Maybe He did...
Whatever the reason for this onset of growing upness that my son is taking... Praise the Lord. There is a light at the end of this tunnel!
Join me, if you will... raise a glass to Sleep and Hot Dogs!