Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sleep and Hot Dogs!

Today, I feel as though I have finally turned a corner with my son.... a much needed corner! It was just last night that I was in tears on the phone with my friend relaying to her how much I am so over the "Baby Stage". My son has been a gift from the Lord and I still remain that he is the answer to all of my prayers.... that said... I am so over it! No sleep, crying for no reason, crying because there is a reason, baby food, bottles, etc... the whole nine yards...

I have learned, in this raising of my children, that I am not a fan of the baby stage. Some women LOVE it! Some women like 5 months, 18 months, 3 years, 10 years, college... you get the picture. Every mom has their favorite stage and one stage they find more difficult to handle. The baby stage is that for me. Difficult to handle. I believe it is because I suffer from a huge lack of patience, which, is a fruit of the Spirit and although I know this, I still don't opperate in it like I should!

But, after 5 hours of fussiness, cyring and me not being able to figure it out, I put him to bed at 7:50pm... Little did I know...the corner was being rounded...
We both slept ALL NIGHT LONG! Didn't open my eyes until 6:30! Miracle from the Most High!
He had his normal bottle the breakfast and for lunch? you might ask...
A hot dog! Yep that's right... no baby food... a hot dog... the whole thing! with a sippy cup of tea!
Then a nap! Woke up and played on the front porch all by himself while I baked a cake!

Ahhhhhhh the corner has been turned! It's like the Lord heard my cry last night. Like He knew I was nearing the end of my rapidly fraying rope! Maybe He did...
Whatever the reason for this onset of growing upness that my son is taking... Praise the Lord. There is a light at the end of this tunnel!

Join me, if you will... raise a glass to Sleep and Hot Dogs!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What I learn from Rainy Days

Today, it is raining... was when I woke up, has all day and still is right now. Unlike most people, I acutally enjoy the rain. LOVE the rain. My mom always says it's because I'm depressed... I'm not depressed but until this moment, had no idea why I liked this gloomy, overcast, rainy weather.
Allow me to share with you my recent "Ah Ha" (thanks Oprah) moment:

Rain make everything slow down.
That's it. That is the reason why I like it so much. Our lives have become instantly fast. Fast Food, microwave dinners, high speed internet, airplanes instead of covered wagons, speed get the picture.
When it rains, it makes everything slow down. Travelling down the road is at a slower pace, rushing the kids to get dressed and out the door is slower. I have even found that my eyes blink slower when it rains!

In this fast paced, high energy world, I pray that today, you take time to cook a meal for family. A meal that showed thought, care and love. That you take time to enojoy a hot bath. That you take time to sit with your children and watch a cartoon.

Slow down today and see what you can learn from the rain!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Attention All Moms........

Calling All Mothers!
There are several things that no tells you when you tell them that you are prengant. No one tells you what to do for severe diaper rash, colic, teething, fever, ear infections, etc...
So, I decided that I would put all the solutions that I have found over the last 3 1/2 years of being a mother into a book form. I even thought about doing them in an index card type of book so each topic would be easy to find. Either way... 
I am soliciting the help of mother's across the globe.

If you have a trick of the trade that worked for you in your journey of motherhood I want to know about it.
Anything goes! Teething, mothering, organizing the household, not sleeping, acid reflux...ANYTHING!
Please let me know you secrets. 
You can post them to my facebook or just reply to this blog... thanks for your help!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Live Free

For most of my life, I have suffered from an ear disease. Throughout the course of my life, it has caused me severe pain, loss of sleep, fear of the future and turmoil in the present. I know that I am healed, I know that God is all powerful and still, for some reason, I have been allowing the devil rule in my life in the area.
Today is the day of change! I choose to be free!
I will walk in the healing I know is mine. I will act, sleep, think and live as the healed of the Lord. I give God the Glory for the miracle He has performed. I speak to eustatian tubes and command them to begin to work.
I have lost sleep enough. I have taken enough pain medicine. I have been through enough surgeries. This is it.
I know that God is in control and today I choose to live my life like I know it!

If you are facing a challenge of the body, mind or spirit, join me won't you? As we live free!

My Blogs (You Should Read Them)