So one of my favorite things about the Holiday Season is the Hallmark Movie Channel! I know I know.. sounds crazy but I just love it! I can watch cheesy movies all through the season and never be cursed at, never have to see naked people, never watch any one being tortured... it's just good, clean, Christmas Season fun... I love it! There was this movie on Hallmark this past month called the Magic of Ordinary Days... it was a very stupid name for the movie I have to say. It turned out to be a pretty cute flick but still... the name just didn't fit! However, I did like the name.... something about the Magic of Ordinary Days that is so true. The Holiday season is so full of magic... the lights, the gifts, the families gathered around a dinner table...There really is something so magical about it! In the year's past, there has been a little bit of disappointment when I have had to return the "ordinary" days. However this year has been different: As soon as the ball dropped, Carson sarted saying "Ah O"... and he broke through his two front teeth, which he has been working on for months now. Campbell started gymnastics class. Seeing her in her pink outfit with her hair piled on her head like a ballerina was more joy than I have ever felt. It was a whole new level of parenting emotion for sure! Then I started thinking... I love my home, I enjoy my children, I'm married to my best friend in the whole world, I loving living where I live... there really is something to be said for finding the Magic in Ordinary Days.
I pray that as you begin this new year and your ordinary days begin all over again, that you are able to find the magic!
As the season's of life pass and your kids go from stage to stage, you'll enjoy each one and find excitement and wonder, watching them grow up and experience the things we take for granted. Innocence is exciting, no matter their age. As I read your blog I thought of my life and I can say is that Bill and I both feel the same way that you do...we love being married to our best friend, love where we live, love our lifestyle and love our kids and grandkids....and when I was young I wondered what we'd have to talk about after the kids left home. I found out and it's exciting! It's always great to see your children happy - God is GOOD!