Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blank Pages and Blinking Cursors...

     In some small way, writing this blog has become theraputic for me. I have to admit, I didn't really think that anyone was reading it. This thinking, however, has been somewhat altered these last few weeks. So, in a effort to continue to entertain my readers... which apparently I have... here is the latest saga from the crazy world of mom, wife, cook, cleaner, teacher and of course... writer...
     For some odd reason, last year, my brother in law David commissioned me to write the Christmas Play for Christian Ministries Academy. I told him no for 3, almost 4 months. Guess where that got me? Sitting at my computer in October writing a Christmas Play. I told him that I wouldn't do it again because it was alot of pressure and I didn't feel like it was the way I wanted to enter the most wonderful time of the year. Well, take one more guess at where that got me? YES! Sitting at my computer in October writing a Christmas Play. The challenge was tough last year but this year... I have an even bigger problem: THE STORY DIDN'T CHANGE! It didn't improve. There were no new characters added to it. It's the same story as last year and year before that and the year before that. Jesus' birth is what it is. The people. The places. The script!
     So, it has become my undertaking to try and write a new script to an old story. Hummmm. Want to know where this has left me?
     Sitting at my computer in October... staring at blank page and blinking cursor... I bet you are wondering how it will end...(Read Luke chpt 1) Hey! Maybe that could be the script... welcome everyone to the play. Tell them open their Bibles and read Luke chpt 1 then close in prayer.... THE END...

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