I was folding clothes a couple of days ago, when I started thinking to myself, "If I wasn't folding these clothes, do you know how much I could be getting done?" I was saying this, to myself, while looking at the pile of dishes in the sink. Then, a few hours later, I started washing the dishes and found myself thinking, "If I wasn't doing these dishes, do you know how much I could be getting done?" This was being said while I was looking at the toys my kids left out on the living room floor. Then, a few hours later, I started picking up the toys in the living room and putting them away in their respective places and the thought came again, "If I was picking up these toys, do you have any idea how much I could be getting done?" This was said when I passed through the laundry room and saw my car oustide. I started thinking of how dirty the inside of it was.
The light bulb moment happened for me when I was rocking my son to sleep. I had "The Thought". "If I wasn't doing this, do you know how much I could be getting done..." Whoa! What was I saying? There is NOTIHNG I would rather do than rock my son to sleep. He won't be of the rocking age much longer and those are precious times for me. Looking back over my day, I noticed that I hadn't enjoyed one single task that I had accomplished. I had gotten alot done. I had done the dishes, folded and put away the laundry, picked up toys, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the floors and made the beds but I had been so focused on the next thing that had to get done that I didn't find enjoyment in what I was doing at that moment.
I do work a little outside the home but for the most part, I am a full time, stay at home mom. My whole life revolves around dishes, laundry and cleaning. If I am unable to find enjoyment in those tasks that fill my days, then it stands to reason that I will have lived my life, not enjoying each day.
So, as I sat in the rocking chair rocking my son, I leaned down and kissed his forhead, wrapped him snuggly in his blanket, took a deep seat in the chair and began to rock away. This time, with a smile on my face as I looked down at his, praying with ever rock, that the Lord would seal this memory in my heart forever.
What a blessed one it was!