As you might have guessed from the title of this blog, we spent the day at Dollywood. It was a blast to say the very least. I have been to Dollywood before when I was a child but unfortunately remember shockingly little about my own experience. I remember the butterflies everwhere. So I knew that Campbell was going to enjoy it if no other reasons than the over abundance of butterflies!
We were greeted by a very beautiful entrance
After walking into the park, we were bombarded with people who did not speak English, asking us if we wanted our picture taken. We said sure and then tried to pose with our children. After 5 attempts of this camera guy trying to take our picture, I finally just said, "Thank you", and walked off, feeling somewhat sorry for that young man.
Knowing that our first attempt at a family photo and Dollywood's first attempt at getting us to pay $20 for a picture of Campbell with her hands in front of her face and Carson staring at the asphault were both huge failures, we opted for Plan B! We asked the man sweeping the street to click one for us. He did and we captured the moment! Please savor...
Neither Mike nor I are big into riding rides. We don't do roller coasters of any kind, swings that swing above the rooftops at dangerous speeds or anything that twists while already twisting... yet... here we find ourselves at such a place. I can't tell you the relief I felt when I saw the first ride that awaited us... cars made for children! This is a ride I could handle!
The kids loved it and Carson expressed with much drama that he did not wish to get out of the car once the ride was over. We finally won him over with the lure of the flying elephants! Usually I try to be the bigger parent in these situations and ride the rides so Mike can sit them out. He acutally gets ill on these things... I just don't like them! However, we have 2 children and both of them wanted to ride so, we both clocked into the game! Flying Elephants, here we come!
The good news was that we made it through the terrifying minute and a half. The bad news, we have 2 children who now love to ride rides. (Enter Aunt Meece and Uncle Dave)
So on to the next one we went! No way Mike could make it through this one so I boarded the ride with all the excitement I could muster for my super excited children! This was the Lemon Twist! It was one of those rides that twists while it twists... Sweet Lord! I'm pretty sure Mike got sick just watching me attempt this.
I can not explain my excitement when I say that the next few rides, they were able to ride on their own! However, watching my 2 children climb into the ride and go around on their own was so precious!
They actually waited in line by themselves for this one. So cute and grown up.
Campbell buckled Carson's seat belt before her own here. I was watching my kids grow up before my eyes. They were enojying themselves so much! They both asked to ride every one of them again right after they got off every time! I loved it!
Next, we boared a train that took us around the park and into a small part of the Smokies. It was so cool. It was an actual cole burning engine. Ironically, the name of the Engine was Cinderalla which confused my 5 year old during the whole trip. She kept asking where Cinderalla was. I thought it was a valid question until I took on the task of answering it... then I just thought it was stupid that they would name a train engine that...
After the train ride, we continued our journey around the park. We found the coolest little water area for kids to play in. Water shoots up from the ground in random order as well as water that shoots out from the fence. I didn't bring my kids bathing suites, ( I was the only mother who didn't. Apparently, I was left out of the "Bring your kids bathing Suit" newsletter) However, I had a great mother who was always prepared so I learned well! I did have an extra change of clothes for each of my kids, complete with socks and panties. So, when they came running to me asking if they could play, I answered, with a little pride in my mothering instincs, "Go right ahead". They LOVED IT. Even after we got back to the camper tonight, they asked to go back to that spot and play.
After they played for a while, we dried off, changed clothes, got something to drink and headed on our journey. We came across a candle dipping place and I just had to go in. I did this every time my family went to Silver Dollar City as a child and it is still one of my favorite memories. I loved this. So, I just had to take my own kids in. I think this one was more for me than for them but they still loved it and I, once again, couldn't believe I was making these exact same memories with my children.
After the dip into memory lane, we continued on the circle around Dollywood, taking in everything it had to offer along the way. By this time, our kids were walking and Mike was asking me to push him in the stroller.
When we reached the entrance, we stopped in for some ice cream. My 3 family members placed their orders but before it was delievered, the day we had been enjoying finally caught up to the youngest one of us.
He was doing what the 3 of us wished were doing! We sat in the air conditioned room and Campbell ate her chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, Mike drank his strawberry milkshake and I watched Carsons ice cream cone melt on the table in front of me. It was a great moment!
We made it back to our truck, piled in and headed to get some dinner back in Pigeon Forge.
We ended our day in the only way one should end a day on vacation: At Joes Crab Shack!
In case you are wondering, they have nothing vegan on their menu... which oddly enough was in keeping with the lunch place at Dollywood. I had water for lunch because my options were so limited so at Joes I opted for nachos with pico, black beans and corn...
We made it back to the camper and I keep glancing at the clock expecting it to say 11 but it is only in the 7 O Clock hour. This was a great day with our family.
I hope you had a great day with yours!