Hello Fellow Bloggers. Tonight I am writing to you from what used to be my son's nursery. It is now an office. I have spent the last 2 days moving my son into his sisters room. Along with that move came the "goodbye" to the crib and a "hello" to the toddler bed. If you have read my blog at all, you know that I am not a huge fan of the baby stage part of mothering. I love my babies, don't get me wrong, but as far as stages, I enjoy them more each day they become older! However... that being said... when I had moved the last piece of furniture from my babies room, I took a look at his room and my heart sank just for a moment. I planned for him, in this room. I painted the wooden letters that spelled his beautiful name, in this room, I rocked him to sleep in my arms, in this room. His first moments of life were in here, in this room.
Now, I sit at a desk where his crib used to be. I have a printer sitting where his changing table was and there are holes in the wall where his baby pictures used to hang.
Just then, I hear my children laughing. Campbell asks Carson, in whisper, "Brother, want to come in my bed?" Carson replies, at the top of his lungs, unaware that he should be whispering, "Uh huh!". I hear toys fall to the ground and then... more laughter errupts. What a sound!
As one chapter of my life is closing, the sadness is heavy in my heart but the glimpes of the chapter that awaits me is getting louder my the moment and a smile comes to my face. Tonight, as I find myself in brand new territory, I am thankful for the memories of my past and am giving God glory for ones in my future.