Unfortunatly, the connection speed is going so slowly that I am unable to load pictures at this point. If you could see the pictures you would be very sad. My son is in that beautiful time in life when everything he does is something "new". Everywhere we go is a new place for him to be and everything he sees is a new thing for him to see.
Unlike most mom's with 2nd children, I have, in fact, documented every moment of his life and have captured all of these "new" things he is experiencing.
We are going to a huge horse show that is every night and it is wonderful to see him looking at all there is to take in. He is so genuine in the joy all of these small things bring him. He smiles at the things that have stopped making me smile. He laughs at things that don't make me laugh anymore. He enjoys things that I have stopped enjoying a long time ago.
Watching him experience all of these new things have been such a reminder to me to enjoy every mundane thing in life as if it is new. It has encouraged me to allow the small things in life bring my joy.
I pray that today, the things that you do that are just "every day tasks" give you a refreshing experience of joy today.